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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Antisec Gives Christmas Present to the Public, Massivly Owning Stratfor's Servers

Stratfor, <(Wiki)Strategic Forecasting, Inc.>, is a global intelligence company founded in Texas in 1996. They are known for publishing security newsletters to the public. They also provide custom intelligence reports for clients such as major corporations, the U.S. military, and international government agencies.

The Antisec wing of Anonymous, revealed Saturday, on Christmas Eve, that they had compromised several("four") Stratfor servers and posted credit card details of a few Stratfor customers on IRC servers. Stratfor's site is still down with after being <(mirror)defaced>. The group claims plans to dump up to 200 gigabytes worth of data leading up to New Year’s Eve. Participants estimated they had already donated between $500,000 and $1,000,000 to charities fraudulently.

A Antisec participant explains motive for the attack, stating, “That there will be repercussions for when you choose to betray the people and side with the rich ruling classes.”

The biggest revelation seems to be how terribly insecure the security intelligence firm's servers were. Claims were made that Stratfor saved client data in clear text and even stored card security codes, a practice prohibited by credit card companies.

Stratfor, known for their secrecy and big name secret clients, has their proported client list posted (Although, some claim it may only be a subscriber list.)

<Proported client list (pastebin)>

Quinn Norton (December 26, 2011)
< - Antisec Hits Private Intel Firm; Million of Docs Allegedly Lifted>

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another CA Compromised
Lucian Constantin, IDG News Service (December 08, 2011)

<Dutch SSL certificate provider Gemnet investigates website compromise>